Loss prevention simply refers to the steps that businesses take to reduce the loss of profit. A classic example of a loss prevention measure related to security is a security guard standing outside the front of a store to prevent theft. However, in more recent years the use of CCTV cameras and other security measures such as alarm systems have become increasingly important loss prevention tools.

Every year businesses across Australia lose thousands in theft, property damage, scams and other vulnerabilities.
The Jim’s Security team is well versed in protecting all businesses, from small retailers to large warehouses and large multi-site national organisations.
Prevention is always the goal for security when it comes to protecting people, products, and profits. Our recommended loss prevention methods provide effective and efficient security measures designed to eliminate loss through:
- Deterring potential criminals and thieves
- Monitoring staff access and activity
- 24/7 monitoring and quick response security patrols for alarm activity
- Constant threat surveillance

Whether you require a new alarm system to deter any would-be thieves while monitoring staff comings and goings, or a CCTV system capable of picking up even the most minute details, you can rely on Jim’s Security to protect your livelihood and give you peace of mind. Give us a call on 131 546 or book a free onsite quote.