Daniel from Jim’s Security Adelaide recently helped a car enthusiast ensure that all of his “toys” are kept safe from intruders. When called out to the inner east property, he was required to implement a protection solution for both the main garage and back shed, where the cars are kept.
In each of the spaces, Daniel decided to install a Bosch 2000 Alarm to act as the ‘brain’ or control centre of the system. This alarm is easy to use and boasts several communication extension modules.
In this case, Daniel installed an IP module to enable event reporting through his client’s NBN network connection. This module takes out traditional call costs by immediately notifying home owners of a security breach through an automated message or call and is compatible with the majority of monitoring centres in Australia. However, the IP module also allows for self-monitoring by giving users complete control of their security system through the Bosch Remote Security Control smartphone app .
The Bosch app empowers users to remotely arm and disarm their system and control external devices such as garage doors by the click of a button. These features come in handy in a wide range of everyday situations. Whether you’ve forgot the remote control to your garage after ducking out to do a quick supermarket run. Or if when away, you’d like to have a close friend or relative to check-in on your car collection without actually having to give them the keys or security code to your property.
In each of the spaces, Daniel also connected roller door reeds to the alarm systems as a way of sensing whether the garage or shed doors had been opened. While the alarm system monitors movement within a space by using passive infrared sensors, reeds act as a second layer of protection by detecting whether entry and exit points such as windows and doors have been opened or closed.
The roller door reeds work by closely aligning the reed switch and a corresponding magnet to create a magnetic field when the door is closed. When the door opens, the magnet will move away from the switch, breaking the alarm circuit and tripping off the alarm system
Lastly, Daniel installed RF (Radio Frequency) remote controls for both the garage and shed which will allow his client to open their garage or shed door when pulling into the driveway, from the comfort of their car.
Are you looking for a security system tailored to your home? For assistance with any of your security needs, contact us on 131 546 or book a free onsite quote