No matter where your property or office is located we are here to help. In fact, one of our Franchisees, David from Jim’s Antennas Horsham, installed 7x 8MP cameras on a farm in Banyena Between St Arnaud and Horsham in the Wimmera. The cameras were all mounted on brackets to sheds with data cabling in conduit going to network switches in lockable enclosures. Wireless antennas provide a local network allowing the cameras to be installed anywhere power is. As you can see from the photos number plates can be easily identified from quite a distance. Added bonus: Solar options are also available.
And for that ‘extra peace of mind’ all of our work is backed by the Jim’s 100% Work Guarantee.
Franchisee David from Jim’s Antennas Horsham installed 7 x 8MP cameras on a customers property.